nutrisystem cost

Nutrisystem Cost: Per Month/Day (America's #1 Home Delivery)

In this article I look at the current Nutrisystem cost per month and per day. Is America's #1 home delivery meal replacement diet as affordable as it is convenient and easy to do?

Read on and discover the surprising truth that Nutrisystem diet plans start from just $309 per month, which is affordable!

Key Takeaways

Below is a summary of the discounted auto-delivery cost of women's and men's diet plans per month (28 days):

  • Women's Plans:
    • Complete for Women (all ages): $309.99
    • Complete for Women (aged 50 and over): $309.99
  • Men's Plans:
    • Complete for Men (all ages): $349.99
    • Complete for Men (aged 50 and over): $349.99
  • Partner's Plans:
    • Complete for Partners (all ages): $275.99
    • Complete for Partners (aged 50 and over): $297.24

Disclaimer: The author is an affiliate of Nutrisystem

Obviously, you want to be able to afford to lose weight and lose it easily and conveniently.

Read on and I'll give you a more detailed look at just how surprisingly affordable this popular, simple and effective weight loss solution can be for women and men!

What Are You Paying For with Nutrisystem?

Disclosure: Advertisement paid by Nutrisystem
Nutrisystem review

Just before we get into the details and the good stuff, it's important to understand what it is you'll be paying for with Nutrisystem.

Nutrisystem costs from around $309 per month for the women's plan when you order using auto-delivery and take advantage of the initial $30 OFF offer. This works out at around $3 per meal plus $1 for the snack bar.

If you don't already know, this diet company ships a full four weeks supply of food in each batch. And each shipment contains everything you need to succeed.

You get three full meals per day plus a protein shake and snack bars. These meals on their own provide everything you need to lose weight and feel satisfied and not hungry at all.

When you compare what it would cost you for all your food for those four weeks if you bought them all from the store, it is easy to see how much money Nutrisystem actually saves you!

How Much Do You Spend on Food Now?

It might seem like a strange question, but I want you to think about how much you're spending on what you eat and drink each day.

Do you even know for sure?

Well, here's a little exercise to get you thinking about this, because it's important.

Get a pen and paper and add it all up. That's all of the food you eat in a day, staring with breakfast. Remember to include stuff like fruit juice, coffee, bread, sauces and condiments, you know, everything!

Move on to that mid-morning snack, then lunch, the afternoon snack (if you have one), then your main meal and dessert and maybe more snacks later on while you're sitting in front of the TV.

If you're eating everything at home, just take a look at your weekly shopping bill. That should give you a good idea of what you're spending all that money on!

how much does nutrisystem costIf you're eating out most days while you're at work, try keeping a copy of your restaurant checks or making a note of what you spend on takeaway sandwiches or hot dogs etc. That way you'll know for sure what it all comes to (and where it all goes to).

I'm willing to bet that even if you consider yourself a reasonably average eater, you're spending upward of $20 a day, right? Maybe $30 a day if you're eating out some of the time.

In fact, for a family of four, the USDA recommendation food spend for a week would be between $131 and $197 for thrift people, rising to $206 to $246 per week for a moderate cost.

The point of all that? I'll get to it now.

Remember I started this article with the words, "obviously you want to lose weight." The harsh truth is whatever you're spending each day on eating and drinking is contributing to you being overweight.

The kicker is: As long as you keep spending it on your daily routines, you're not going to get any thinner!

You need to change those eating habits and starting a Nutrisystem diet can help you to do just that.

"But I can't afford it," I hear some say. Others complain, "It's too expensive," or some other excuse.

The reality is you CAN afford it because it's not anywhere near as expensive as what you're spending each day on the food you eat now. The food that is keeping you overweight and slowly but surely making you even heavier!

Monthly Nutrisystem Price

Let's start with the lowest cost plan available today. The monthly cost of a regular 28-day diet plan for a woman from Nutrisystem is currently the cheapest of all the 28-day plans (when you select auto-delivery).

We're talking a base figure of from around $10 a day. What did you calculate an average day's worth of regular food you're eating now is costing you? My guess is that it's probably 2-3 times that figure, isn't it!

The Nutrisystem for men plans cost slightly more because they contain an additional snack bar per day to increase the daily calorie count to 1,500.

You can increase the selectivity level of the plan and opt for the 28-day Uniquely Yours plan which will cost around a dollar per day more than the cheapest plan for Women or Men respectively. For this you get a wider choice of meals and the ability to choose your own menu from the selection available.

So if you want better food options, make sure you select fresh-frozen items from the menu. It includes fresh frozen meals and ice cream desserts and also comes with the flexibility to choose your own menu from their huge selection of over 100+ meals.

Top Rated Diet Plan

If you want the best meals ever, Nutrisystem have removed the old compartmentalized plans and restructured with just two options, menus for all ages and menus for people over the age of 50. These both include all the great fresh frozen meals and the yummy ice cream desserts of the old top plan plus their new Nutri-Pro shakes.

You still get the flexibility of choosing your own menu from a massive selection of over 100+ meals.

As for the cost of this Nutrisystem diet plan, well it's a little over 10 dollars a day for women and 11 dollars a day for men.

Of course, while this article is recent and current for October 2024, there is always the slightest chance that the company may change its prices before I get a chance to update this page.

For that reason, I recommend you click here to visit the official Nutrisystem website to make sure you get the correct price before you decide upon which diet plan you want.

Which Plan Will You Choose?

There are a number of benefits of the Nutrisystem diet that you'll discover as you learn more about it, not least of all the fact that there are several different diet plans available to suit different tastes, dietary needs and budget.

Whether you're a woman or a man, there are now just two main Plans to choose from, plus a new "Partners" plan suitable for couples who want to lose weight together.

Since the big changes at Nutrisystem with regards to their menu structure, I can no longer talk about the old plans as they were, so a big chunk of this article has had to be removed. I apologize for that, but maybe it's better to have less to read and less to have to think about before making your decision to get started right away!


These features are available for each of the new plans.

That means you get:

Where to Get Nutrisystem?

A really important question now is, "Where to get Nutrisystem?"


From a Store maybe?

There are a few options like going to a major store like Wal-Mart and buying the 5- or 7-day kits at a discounted price. This could be a useful way to try the meals before committing to a full 28-day pack delivered by the company itself.

The only problem with trying a small pack for only a week is you don't have the same level of commitment to the diet as you would if you went for the full product direct from Nutrisystem.

Think about that for a second. How easy would it be to simply quit after a week if there was even the slightest thing about it you didn't like?

What's the point of going on a diet if you're not committed to losing weight?

None! A seven day diet is hardly a diet at all.

That's because your body doesn't get the chance to grow accustomed to eating less and eating nutritious, healthy meals!

After a mere seven days of eating easy-diet-meals then stopping, you'd just go straight back to your old eating habits. Then you'd almost certainly regain any weight you'd lost plus a few extra pounds for your trouble!

My advice (and you'll get the same from most dietitians) is to benefit from long-term weight loss and management, you need a good three months at least on a specific diet plan. That way you get to teach your body to get accustomed to eating the right way to maintain your slimmer look.

The way to do that is to buy Nutrisystem direct from the company itself: Nutrisystem! You can order online via their website and take advantage of the current money off promotion they run frequently. See the promotional image link that I posted a little further down the page:

The body also needs to get used to eating a healthier kind of food, with a higher content of dietary fiber. This can lead to cases of Nutrisystem gas/flatulence and some bloating in the first few days but it soon abates.

Does it Work?

Does Nutrisystem work? It sure does when you stick to the plan and stay on it for a reasonable length of time, meaning at least two months or longer.

That way, you will see visible results on how much weight you can lose with Nutrisystem over time and how much easier it is keeping that weight off long term.

Buy Nutrisystem Online

The great thing about this program is how incredibly easy it is to sign up and get started quickly when you order online direct from Nutrisystem website.

It's the most effective way of losing weight and getting back into the kind of shape I'm sure you want to be in. Plus you can take advantage of the current promotional discount that's on offer for a limited time.

There are plenty of good reasons why you must start a Nutrisystem diet, least of all because it's great for jump-starting your journey to a slimmer, great looking YOU!

All that's left is for you to choose which plan best suits your needs, your budget and your tastes. Get started today and make it your goal to be slimmer and healthier inside three months - you CAN do it!

Just to make that easy for you, all you need to do is click your mouse (or tap the screen if you're viewing this on a touch screen device) on the promotional image banner below to see for yourself how very affordable this diet really is:

Disclosure: Advertisement paid by Nutrisystem Nutrisystem

I have a sneaky feeling you are going to be pleasantly surprised at what you discover. It may seal your decision to go with Nutrisystem as your weight loss solution and since you are already on their page, you can sign up and get started right away!

Why Auto-Delivery?

The Nutrisystem Auto-Delivery service is an option that saves you money off the regular retail price of all the plans.

What it does is simply set up an automated re-shipping process that sends out your next month's package of food to coincide with the last day of your current month of food so you don't have any gaps in your diet.

It simply aids the convenience of the program and insures you don't miss any diet days by forgetting to re-order your next month's supply of food in good time. You can cancel any time by phone using the number published on the official company website before the next delivery is scheduled to be shipped.

The Price of Losing Weight with Nutrisystem

what does nutrisystem cost per monthIt is probably fair to say that for most people, losing some weight is a personal thing and how they go about achieving it is often different to other people.

Some look at the results a certain plan or program brings to other people, while others look at the cost and whether they think it is worth them spending their money and giving their time and effort to a particular program.

Others still look to see if they can afford a diet like Nutrisystem

When it comes to the cost of losing weight, it is not quite as cut and dried as many people think when they see the price in front of them in black and white. Especially when there is a discount code or promo deal on offer.

The first thing you have to remember with this particular diet program is that what you are paying for is food that will totally replace your regular meals.

While there are recommended foods that you can additionally buy to bulk up their meals if you find them too small in portion size, these are not mandatory and you can get along just fine without them. In other words, you can succeed just eating the food they send you, making it even easier than you may have thought it was!

So that means you must deduct the amount you would spend on all your food for a month from the cost of the diet and whatever is left is what you are really paying for it, or what it really costs in real terms.

With some people, that can actually end up being a negative number. That means it is cheaper for them to eat Nutrisystem than their ordinary food

However, with most people it will represent a huge saving on the cost of the diet. Weighing up the Nutrisystem cost can work out to be a very cheap way to lose weight, all in all.

What do you think? Does this not totally sound like the greatest way to get in shape ever!

Last Updated: May 2, 2024

Written by: Natalie Tuffnal

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